guiscrcpy – Android screen mirroring software

guiscrcpy – Android screen mirroring software

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guiscrcpy – Android screen mirroring software

A simple, pluggable, graphical user interface for the fastest Android screen mirroring software, scrcpy.

The fastest ⚡️ open source Android Screen Mirroring 📱 GUI 💻

guiscrcpy is a multiplatform, ready-to-use GUI layer for Android to PC screen mirroring written in the advancing programming language python3 for the most award winning open-source android screen mirroring system — scrcpy located on by @rom1v

Yet another Android Mirroring Software?

guiscrcpy provides a stable, user friendly graphical user interface for the fastest Android screen mirroring software, scrcpy! guiscrcpy makes it amazingly easy to use scrcpy right from your desktop, one click away!

Get it now! 🚀

guiscrcpy is available as precompiled binaries for almost all popular platforms, Windows (.exe), AppImages for Linux, and for macOS

DownloadStable Release

Free as in Freedom
Customizable. Open Source.

guiscrcpy is an GPL-3.0 Licensed Open source software. You can get the complete source code at  GitHub. Feel free to open an issue or create a pull request. Contributions are welcome!


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