CryptPad – Private-by-Design Office Suite

CryptPad – Private-by-Design Office Suite

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CryptPad – Private-by-Design Office Suite

CryptPad is a suite of private-by-design office tools and cloud services that provide zero knowledge, real-time collaborative editors and applications. It encrypts all the content before transmission, ensuring that only authorized users with keys can access it. CryptPad is built to enable productive collaboration with features such as team drives, calendars, and sharing. It synchronizes changes to documents in real time, and its variant of the Operational Transformation algorithm avoids the need for a central server to resolve edit conflicts.

With CryptPad, users can collaborate on text and WYSIWYG documents, spreadsheets, code/markdown, kanban, slides, whiteboard, and forms. All data is encrypted in the user’s web browser, and the encryption key is stored in the URL fragment identifier, which is never sent to the server. The service administrators have no way of seeing the content being edited and stored, ensuring maximum privacy.

CryptPad is free software that can be hosted by anyone in a personal or professional capacity. The development team offers subscriptions and support contracts for ready-to-use deployments.

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